
Mayuko Akimoto


Mayuko Akimoto




Born in Tokyo, Japan, Mayuko Akimoto began her musical training at the age of three playing violin and marimba. At the age of ten, she started taking lessons on flute and piano. In 2008, she won the scholarship to study abroad at St. Paul’s School (Concord, NH, USA). After graduating St. Paul’s School with “Magna Cum Laude” honor in 2011, she went on to study flute performance at University of Music Freiburg (Germany) and at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Switzerland). After successfully graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Music degree, she studied with Andrea Lieberknecht at University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich.

Mayuko Akimoto has appeared in "Asu e no tobira (A Door to Tomorrow)", recital series for oung talents and rising stars at prestegious Kioi Hall in Tokyo in 2018, and performed Reinecke’s Flute Concerto as a soloist with Bad Reichenhall Philharmonic Orchestra (Germany) in 2019. While actively performing as a soloist and chamber musician across Japan, Germany and Switzerland, she has also gained experience as an orchestral player in Munich Chamber Orchestra, Pacific Music Festival Orchestra, Freiburg Philharmonic Orchestra, and Young Artists Orchestra at Tanglewood Music Festival. She was a member of Junge Deutsche Philharmonie (German Youth Philharmonic Orchestra) from 2014 until 2019, and an intern at Lucerne Symphony Orchestra for 2016-17 season.

Her former teachers include Kaoru Kitamura, Hideaki Sakai, Masako Hirano, Jean Benson, Judy Grant, Felix Renggli, Jutta Pulcini, Sabine Morel, Pirmin Grehl, and Andrea Lieberknecht.


  • 季刊ムラマツ vol.156『ミュンヘンからの手紙』

    Muramatsu Flute Quarterly Magazine vol. 156 “A letter from Munich”

  • 季刊ムラマツ vol.154『ルツェルンからの手紙』

    Muramatsu Flute Quarterly Magazine vol.154 “A letter from Lucerne”

  • 季刊ムラマツ vol.153『フライブルクからの手紙』

    Muramatsu Flute Quarterly Magazine vol.153 “A letter from Freiburg”

  • THE FLUTE Online『石井希衣の教えて!コンテスタント』 第10回

    THE FLUTE Online (ALSO Publishing), Interview with Kie Ishii

  • 雑誌 THE FLUTE vol.178(アルソ出版)表紙・カバーストーリー

    THE FLUTE Magazine vol. 178 (ALSO Publishing), Cover & Interview

  • 管楽器専門月刊誌 PIPERS(株式会社杉原書店) 2016年5月号 インタビュー

    PIPERS Monthly Magazine, May 2016 (Sugihara Shoten), Interview

  • 月刊誌 Band Journal(音楽之友社)2015年5月号『逸材発見!注目アーティスト2015』

    Band Journal Monthly Magazine, May 2015 (Ongaku No Tomo Sha)


  • 2017 第9回神戸国際フルートコンクール

    2017 9th Kobe International Flute Conpetition


    4th Prize

  • 2015 第64回ミュンヘン国際⾳楽コンクール

    2015 64th ARD International Music Competition in Munich


    Special Prize “Alice-Rosner-Prize” for an outstanding interpretation of a contemporary piece

  • 2015 第37回スイス・リッド⾳楽コンクール

    2015 37th National Music Competition in Riddes (Switzerland)


    2nd Prize

  • 2014 第69回ジュネーヴ国際⾳楽コンクール

    2014 69th Geneva International Music Competition


    Special Prize

  • 2010 第11回日本ジュニア管打楽器コンクールフルート部門高校生の部

    2010 11th Japan Junior Wind and Percussion Competition


    Gold prize

  • 2010 セント・ポールズ・スクール カイザーミュージックコンペティション(学内音楽コンクール)

    2010 St. Paul’s School Keiser Music Competition



  • 2008 成蹊学園三菱留学生奨学金

    2008 Seikei Gakuen Mitsubishi Study Abroad Scholarship

  • 2005 ヤマノジュニアフルートコンテスト

    2005 Yamano Junior Flute Competition


    Grand Prize